Monday, June 1, 2009

A new start...

Ok, so I've never even thought about having a blog, cuz lets face it I'm not really sure I have a lot to say that interests anyone other than me and I'm not even sure I'm interested in it most of the time.  But my lovely sister in law suggested I start one up, so here goes.  I guess the first start I've noticed from reading other blogs is nicknames, so from here on out you will know me as Sledge, for those of you close to me the nickname makes sense, for anyone else just roll with it.  The people close to me are of course my family my sister in law is known on her 2 blogs as A with my brother J and my beautiful neice C, or Cutie Face!  I also have a younger brother who to his mortification I shall call Noops.  I guess that's a start other nicknames shall be doled out as necessary.

So a blog...I guess the "Sledge on the edge" name came in part from a suggestion by my good friend CValley (wow another nickname already) and then after the suggestion I actually thought it made some sense.  I'm in one of those transition periods.  About to enter the 30's, in a dead end job, and the only thing I have to come home to are my pets.  Hmmm.  So yeah an edge is definitely there, just need to figure out how to cross over it into something new.  This blog will be mostly a sounding board for me and my future.  I welcome any and all feedback, the more the merrier.  Here's to new beginnings and changes!  Buckle in for the ride.


  1. i love the "to his mortification, we shall call Noops." HILARIOUS!!!

  2. haha thanks. and yeah I have my first follower!

  3. Can I have a nickanme too? Just not Pumpkin!!
